long lake
long lake
Welcome to
Located southwest of Perth in Lanark County, Long Lake is a small spring-fed lake in the Rideau system that is approximately 3.0 kilometres long by 0.75 kilometres wide; municipal jurisdiction is within Tay Valley Township. Long Lake encompasses a surface area of 88 hectares and has a total shoreline length of 31 kilometres. The water level of Long Lake is determined by the outlet to Adams Lake, a bay of the Big Rideau Lake, where the stream runs under Lanark County Route 21. Unlike many of the Rideau Lakes, Long Lake is not used as a water source for the Rideau Canal System however as a headwater lake it has water quality impacts to downstream lakes
Our vision statement
Read our latest Newsletter ยป
Please become a member of the Long Lake Association. This is your lake; your interest and participation in the LLWPOA is vital to retain and improve the quality of life you presently enjoy on Long Lake. New property owners are especially encouraged to join and to become involved in the association; new ideas and energy are needed to protect our lake for the future.
Click here for Lanark County Fire Ban Information
Annual General Meeting
9:30 am refreshments for 10:00 am meeting
Burgess Municipal Hall, Narrows Lock Road
Long lake watershed property owners association
Annual General Meeting
For the latest 24-hour Fire Ban information, please contact the Fire Department Administration Office directly at 613-267-2596, and listen to the automated message.
The members of the LLWPOA share the following vision for the future of Long Lake. The intent is to ensure that current and future generations will enjoy: